Student (and Teacher!) Spotlight: Cheryl Tanski


Yoga Heights is made up of many fascinating people.  We are excited to introduce you to them one by one via the blog!Yoga Heights: Why do you practice yoga?Cheryl: Practicing yoga has enabled me to feel more connected with my body than ever before. I am more conscious of my breath throughout the day and I listen to my body more than I used to. Yoga has also helped me to stop comparing myself to others so much. It allows me to turn inward and focus on myself. My steady yoga practice has also made me feel graceful for the first time in my life (instead of always feeling clumsy and awkward). I became a teacher to help others discover all the benefits yoga can provide! YH: Tell us about your first experience at Yoga Heights.C: My first Yoga Heights class was in July 2015 at 6:30 AM for Power Flow with Caroline. I had only ever practiced Bikram yoga before, so I was unfamiliar with many of the poses and their names, but Caroline made me feel comfortable and helped me out when she saw I was struggling. I was hooked immediately! I loved the pace and flow of that first class and have been coming to Yoga Heights most days of the week ever since. YH: What classes do you go to at YH and why?C: As many as possible! I am a "regular" at Amy's Fusion Flow and All Levels Flow, Steve's Intermediate Flow, Caroline's All Levels Flow, and Angela and Michelle's classes. These classes fit my schedule but I also love the teachers and their different styles, so I prioritize coming to them. Fusion Flow is really fun and is helping me build strength that will assist me in other poses and classes. Each teacher offers something unique, and as a new yoga teacher, I enjoy learning from them and seeing how they plan out a class.Really, I haven't taken a bad class in over two years at the studio, which is quite remarkable.YH: What do you do when you're not on the mat?C: I work in communications and marketing at a local private school. I also coach my school's Girls on the Run team. Sometimes I participate in competitive karaoke (yes, it's a thing).YH: Where did you grow up?C: Buffalo, NYYH: What neighborhood do you live in now? People love to know about their neighbors!C: Mount Pleasant

Cheryl also teaches yoga! Take class with her at the Georgia Ave. studio: Tuesday at 6:30 pm - Fusion FlowThursday at 7:45 pm - All Levels Flow


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Kundalini Yoga 101