An Inversion Journey: Forearm Stands and Handstands

Written by: Stacy Post


I remember when the inversion “bug” bit me a few years after I began practicing yoga. One day during class I managed to do a headstand. I felt strong – who knew my body could do that? Not me. From then on, I have found the mental and physical challenge of practicing inversions simultaneously exhilarating, frustrating, joyful, and humbling. In many ways, these are all aspects of yoga (and life) that keep us both grounded and moving forward, even when we may feel stuck in place.

In this forearm stand and handstand inversions workshop, I hope to first and foremost share the joy of practicing inversions with students. Together, we will work on drills both at the wall and away from the wall to strengthen, stretch, and recruit the muscle groups needed to support us when we practice poses that involve going upside down. For example, to safely (and effectively) practice handstand we need to think about core and shoulder strengthening, hamstring opening, wrist stretching and strengthening, and hand positioning. To safely practice forearm stand, we need to strengthen and open our shoulders, strengthen our core, open the hamstrings, and position the forearms in a supportive way. Though these are two different poses, they require activation and opening of many of the same muscle groups. 


Practicing inversions can be scary, especially in a crowded yoga studio with other students inches away (remember those days?). That’s why another focus of the workshop will be practicing how to safely fall out of forearm stand and handstand. Knowing how to safely exit forearm stand and handstand is one of the most important – if not the most important – aspect of “getting” the pose. As you practice these shapes during classes or self-practice, you will fall out – a lot. And then one day, for a split second, you won’t. That split second of holding the pose is a sign that your body and muscle memory are getting stronger.

The handstand and forearm workshop is ideal for students who are curious about going upside down in their yoga practice, or for those who have been practicing inversions during class but feel “stuck” in a certain place. As an all levels workshop, all yogis are welcome; however, students who have a headstand practice and are able to kick up against the wall may get the most out of the workshop. My goal is for the workshop to be challenging, accessible, and a place where students can ask questions and have a lot of fun!

As an instructor, I will give as much or as little individual feedback as students would like. Some yogis seek personalized feedback about their alignment and prefer to keep their videos turned on, while others prefer to have their videos turned off. This is totally up to you. Having a block (or a sturdy book) and/or yoga strap will be helpful, but not required to attend.

I hope to see you at the workshop on Saturday, March 2 from 2-3:30 pm. After the workshop, I also hope to see you at my All Levels Flow on Fridays at 5:15 pm where we can continue playing with these shapes!


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