Student Spotlight: Ellen Hamilton


Yoga Heights is made up of students who are fascinating people.  We are excited to introduce you to them one by one via the blog!Meet Ellen!Yoga Heights: Why do you practice yoga?Ellen: I love the way yoga makes me feel, whether it's a powerful vinyasa flow or are more grounded class like yin. I started yoga for the physical practice, but I have come to love taking some time for myself and work on my breathing. I like that yoga is a practice, so you can never "win," you just keep working and growing as a yogi. YH: Tell us about your first experience at Yoga Heights.Ellen: I'd lived in the neighborhood for about a year before I walked in the door for a Back to Basics class. I was stiff, sore, and sweaty after, but everyone was so friendly and welcoming I knew I wanted to come back as soon as I could! I signed up for the introductory student offer and haven't looked back. YH: What classes do you go to at YH and why?Ellen: I love Soul Flow with Alex on Saturdays to get lost in the practice, and Yin with Matthew to recharge before a long week. I'm also a huge fan of Power Flow on Tuesday/Thursday mornings with Caroline (when I can drag myself out of bed!). YH: What do you do when you're not on the mat?Ellen: I work in healthcare policy for a Congresswoman from Southern California. YH: Where did you grow up?Ellen: I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, and went to UCLA for my undergrad. And now I work for a Californian, so I never feel too far away from home! YH: What neighborhood do you live in now? People love to know about their neighbors!Ellen: Petworth! I live right by Yoga Heights- you really can't beat the convenience! YH: Anything else you want to include?Ellen: If you're not already, everyone should register to vote!  


Pose of the Month: Salamba Sirsasana - Headstand


#WCW: New Products Come to Yoga Heights!